Thursday, February 18, 2010

Science Fiction.

When I was  teenager I devoured science fiction books, by authors like Heinlein, Phillip Jose Farmer, and my all time favorite, Ron Goulart. This series of designs is inspired by those books and the science fiction pulp art of the 1960's to 1980's.

"evolve and prosper"

Lil' Wicca

Introducing, Lil' Wicca & Co.

This exciting and fun new line will start bewitching you in the steztoyz product line early to mid March.

Lil' Wicca is a sweet simple little witch, she has a pet dragon named Bubblegum, and a pet bat named Byte

"evolve and prosper"

Lil' Wicca the sweet witch, Bubblegum the dragon, and, Byte the bat. designs are all copyright. steztoyz 2010, and copyright Steve Zobel 2010.

bad puns

Steztoyz is proud to announce a soon to be debuted new line: "Bad puns".
I have to admit that I enjoy the occassional good pun.....but I much prefer the really bad puns....Like this one.

This design will be printed only on a

Yes, that's right, now you can have your very own.....

.....look, I told you it was a bad pun.
What's a gnu?...Not much, what's a gnu with you?

"evolve and prosper"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More stuff!

Previews of more digital artwork.

"evolve and prosper"

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome to steztoyz!

Welcome to the official steztoyz blog.
This is where I'll be previewing a lot of my electric art designs.
Here are a few designs in development.

"evolve and prosper"